Mobile Live Camera Publish SDK For Delphi is a live camera rtmp publish component for Android and IOS can be used to develop video broadcast mobileapp.
Android Features
- New:Support Delphi 11
- Fixed:wrong aspect ratio when portait orientation on Android.
- Support Overlay Image or Text on stream
- Replace the encoding engine with 100% performance boost on Android
- Publish to rtmp server.
- Support both hardware and software encoder.
- Record video to local while publish rtmp stream.
- Switch camera while publish stream
- Apply over 40+ GPU Filters to published video
IOS Features
- New:Support Get Current Bitmap of Camera.
- Publish to rtmp server.
- Record video to local while publish rtmp stream.
- Switch camera while publish stream
- Beauty face Filter to published video
- Ovelay Watermark Image
1.Trial version will show noise on the published video.
2.Trial version will only provide ios 32bit runtime.
Download Prebuild Android Live Camera Rtmp Publish Demo apk